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St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Love

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School Council

School Council members



Children were asked to think about what qualities they would like in a school councillor. Children were encouraged to think about the things that they would like to change and how they may go about getting a real change. 

Our school council members are voted in from Reception – Year 6


On the 23rd October 2023 this year's school council was voted on in our special voting booth.


St Mary Mags School Council 2023-24

Reception - Millie & Oscar

Year 1 - Kai & Divneet

Year 2 - Dougie & Eva

Year 3 - Jenson & Megan

Year 4 - Ben & Sapphire

Year 5 - Kvae & Ava

Year 6 - Ryan & Shayney


Do you have an issue you want your School Council to deal with? If so contact the School Councillor in your class.


You can find the date of our next school council meeting on the School Council Board in the corridor. 

