Maths at St Mary Magdalene
At St Mary Magdalene, we aim to deliver an inspiring, exciting and challenging curriculum, which fosters a life-long love of mathematics and develops all children into mathematical thinkers.
Maths is embedded into every aspect of our school life and children are constantly given the opportunity to revisit and recap on skills.
Our curriculum comes directly from the National Curriculum and we follow the White Rose small steps breakdown. Our lessons allow children to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills regardless of their ability. The skills children will learn are progressive and they will build on skills they have learned in previous years.
Here you will find the skills progression documents.
Each year group will cover all mathematical concepts over the year and these are broken up into blocks.
The below document will show you coverage for each year group.
At St Mary Mags we believe in giving children the tools to tackle any problem, this may be through the use of manipulatives, pictorial representations and calculation methods.
Our visual calculation progression builds on the learning from the previous year and gives children the tools to take on different problem types. In each classroom, the working wall will show the calculation methods to reinforce what method the children could use and remind them of what they already know.
The attachments below show the whole school progression documents as well as year group specific methods. These can be used to help your child at home and ensure that we are all teaching the same methods.
Home support
To support your child at home, here are links to some of the programs that we subscribe to as well as additional resources.
There is also a link to another page where you can find additional information with supporting your child in their times tables knowledge.