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St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Love

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Important Information


Our Year 6 Team is Mrs Tooth (Mon and Tues), Miss Rowe (Wed, Thurs, Fri) and Miss Regan (All week).  


Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Friday so could your child please come into school in their PE kit that day having removed any jewellery.


Music lessons - If your child is learning an instrument can you please ensure they bring it in on the day of their lesson (Tuesday = violin and Thursday = brass and woodwind).  Thanks.



Booster books - Each week your child will be set pages from their booster books to complete for their next booster session.

Online Learning - Each week your child is expected to complete an Abacus task, Bug Club comprehension (both on Active Learn) and a spelling task on Ed Shed.

Reading  - Reading books should be read regularly and brought into school every day.


Our Topics:

We are looking forward to having a more 'normal' year which will hopefully include more events - our topics  this year include:

* Autumn - The Vikings

* Spring - Forensic Science

* Summer - The Egyptians.


If you need to contact us our email address is



Our Timetable

Our Viking Stunning Start! September 2021

We had a great day at our Viking workshop: learning lots of facts and acting out events and some of their legends.

Our trip to Jorvik 18.11.21 - The Dig Site


We had a great trip to York to visit the Jorvik Viking Centre.  After a long journey we made our way to the 'Dig' site where we experienced Viking Sagas; explored various artefacts and even carried out our own 'archaeological' dig!  After lunch we then headed to the Jorvik Viking centre where they have reconstructed a street in York based on archaelogical findings - found at that site.  We really enjoyed going back in time to discover what life was like in Viking times...


Jorvik Viking Centre

18.01.22 Maths Problem Solving

We had great fun working in teams to solve various maths problems!

20.01.22 Science Workshop Day - Healthy Mind, Healthy Body!

We had a great day exploring what helps us to feel happy and healthy e.g. eating healthily and exercising regularly helps our mind and body to stay healthy.

Our Class Haka! 18.02.22

Still image for this video
In PE this half term we have been using moves from the Haka to create our own 'Hakas'. Firstly we created group dances and then used those ideas to create a whole class one - we hope you enjoy it!

18.02.22 - Maths Problem Solving

18.03.22 - Maths Problem Solving

Year 6 had a great time today learning about what skills you need to become a Forensic Scientist / Crime Scene investigator.  They took part in a lot of great activities that Forensic Scientists would do, such as: taking fingerprints, making a shoewear print and analysing hair and fibre samples.

Special Events!

Our Community Litter Pick - 23.09.21

This last couple of weeks we have been learning a lot about climate change and what we can do to help prevent global warming, so today we enjoyed being able to do 'our bit' by picking up litter in our local area.

Service of Remembrance - 11.11.21

Year 6 had the privilege today to attend the Service of Remembrance at Heath Lane Cemetery. It was great to be able to take part in this special event and the children were brilliant and respectful.  We were very proud of them, particularly Isobel and Sahar who lay the wreath given from our school.

It was made particularly special as one of the war veterans came and spoke to us after the service.  He showed us one of the commonwealth war graves and explained what they had written on them and why.  We all really enjoyed listening to his experiences.

World Book Day 03.03.22

We created our own persuasive adverts to promote our favourite books - which one would you choose?

Red Nose Day 2022!

This year we dressed up as Super Heroes!

World Maths Day - 23.03.22

We had great fun celebrating World Maths Day, working in groups, solving various Maths problems and challenges!

