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St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Love

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Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page

Here you will find lots of information about Year 6 and what we are busy doing in the classroom.


Important information about Year 6.

The teachers in our class are: Miss Sephton and Mrs Palmer.


Contact information:


Our P.E. days are: Tuesday and Friday, so could your child please come into school in their PE kit that day; having removed any jewellery.


Music lessons - If your child is learning an instrument can you please ensure they bring it in on the day of their lesson (Tuesday = violin and Thursday = brass and woodwind).  Thanks.


Remember to read at home and bring in your reading book every day.

Year 6 timetable

Olympic Day at Phoenix! - 17.6.24


We had a great time participating in Olympic events at Phoenix. Activities included: shot put, javelin, archery, races, relay and long jump. We competed against other schools and even managed to come second for the girls race! 

Frank Chapman Residential!

We had a great time at Frank Chapman challenging ourselves and having a go at new activities. Even when we felt like we couldn't do something, we gave it a go and persevered. The first day we went straight into the high ropes course and we did Jacob's ladder as well as climbing to the top of a pole where we had to see if we could stand on top. 

The second day was a busy one. We took part in archery, orienteering, abseiling and tree climb! 

Despite the rain on our last day, we still managed to enjoy ourselves on the challenge course (we got very muddy!) 

Frank Chapman Presentation 

Art - Surrealism 


In art this term, we took inspiration from Salvador Dali to create our own surrealist paintings. We chose a landscape to paint and thought about what could make it surreal. 

Design Technology - Building Bridges 


For D+T, we learnt how to build our very own bridges. We looked at some examples, then practiced different skills of cutting and joining. We then worked in small groups to design, plan and make them. 


Today we wore bright clothes to celebrate Diwali. We learnt a dance which was lots of fun and created our very own paper Diyas! 

14.11.23 Pudsey! 


We had the delight of welcoming Pudsey in school today. He visited each class and kindly gave out some children in need key rings. We look forward to dressing up in spotty clothes on Friday to support Children in Need. 

Remembrance service - 10.11.23

Today we had the opportunity to visit the cemetery to pay our respects to those who fought during the war and lay a wreath on behalf of our school. 

School council voting! 


This week, children nominated themselves for school council. Three boys and three girls were then nominated through a vote. The class then went to the hall to complete a vote and put it into the ballot box.

Week beginning 16/10/23


So far during art week we have been experimenting with how to create movement in art. We have looked at some artists work for inspiration and then had a go ourselves. We have been using sketching techniques using different mediums to create movement. We then designed and planned our final piece which we will complete at the end of the week. We have enjoyed being creative and testing out different techniques and movements!

Week beginning 9/10/23


Today we celebrated 'Hello Yellow' day. We all came in dressed in yellow and had an assembly which gave us strategies to boost our mood. We then used this to create our own posters. 

