Year 6
Welcome to the Year 6 Class Page!
Important Information
Our Year 6 Team is Mrs Tooth (Mon and Tues), Miss Rowe (Wed, Thurs, Fri) and Mrs Palmer (All week).
Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday so could your child please come into school in their PE kit that day; having removed any jewellery.
Music lessons - If your child is learning an instrument can you please ensure they bring it in on the day of their lesson (Tuesday = violin and Thursday = brass and woodwind). Thanks.
Seesaw - Each week your child will be set a task on Seesaw for them to complete.
Online Learning - Each week your child is expected to complete an Abacus task, Bug Club comprehension (both on Active Learn) and a spelling task on Ed Shed. Also remember to practise times tables on Times Tables Rock Star!
Reading - Reading books should be read regularly and brought into school every day.
Our Topics:
Our topics this year include:
* Autumn - The Vikings
* Spring - Forensic Science
* Summer - The Egyptians.
Our Timetable
Special Events
Our trip to the Peak District
Severn Trent Water Workshop October 2022
We took part in a very interesting workshop which was delivered by Sharan from Severn Trent Water. In groups, we measured the amount of water different fictional families used in one week. We were shocked by how some families wasted water and we were able to give suggestions on how we can save water around our homes - if you need any tips, please ask your child!
Finally, as a class we joined with the rest of the school in making a promise: to keep hydrated; use a refillable water bottle and recycle our plastic waste to help look after the environment.
DT Week 2022 - Building Bridges!
This week in year 6 we have had a great time working on our DT project. Our design brief was to build a bridge that spanned a gap of approximately 40 cm and was strong enough to hold 500g in weight. After some initial research we decided we would build a Truss bridge. First we had to practice various skills such as: measuring the wood accurately; sawing the wood and gluing it together to create our structure (using a triangulation technique to strengthen it). We then designed our bridges, particularly thinking about how we would reinforce different parts to make it a strong structure. Finally we worked in small groups to build our bridges. Watch this space for the final products...
Our Final Products!

Remembrance Service 2022
Year 6 had the privilege of attending the Remembrance service at Heath Lane Cemetery, where our Head Boy (Oskar) and Head Girl (Bethany) laid a wreath on behalf of our school.
Children in Need 2022!
We had great fun 'posing' in the photo booth as part of our Children in Need Day.
December 2022 Emergency First Aid

We had the opportunity to learn some basic life-saving first aid that we can use in an emergency.
Wednesday 8th February 2023 - Forensic Science Day!
When we arrived at school yesterday, we discovered a crime had been committed!
A Forensic Science team came in to teach us some key skills we would need to solve the crime, such as: analysing finger prints; making foot wear casts and analysing different fibres.
In the afternoon, we then worked in teams to solve a murder mystery...
WB 13.02.23 - Art Week

This week we created art work inspired by Surrealist artists - Surrealism was an art movement that began in the 1920's and combined dreams with reality. First of all, we explored various surrealist art works, particularly focusing on Salvador Dali, who created small collages of his dreams using oil paints. We then experimented with creating different colours and tones; investigated using various painting techniques and planned our own 'surrealist inspired' painting. Finally, using acrylic and oil paints we created our own surrealist paintings. Can you spot what we included in our paintings to make them 'surreal'?
02.03.23 World Book Day!

On World Book day we had a great time celebrating books. Many children came dressed up as a favourite character or author and brought in their favourite book. We spent time sharing our favourite book and reading for pleasure, which we enjoyed a lot. Later on, we created persuasive posters to persuade other children in our class to read the book we had chosen.
DT Week Spring 2023 - Automata Toys
This week we have been making automata toys. Firstly we investigated how these toys worked. We then tested different cams to see what movements we could create. After we had gathered ideas, we designed, planned and made our toys; using a variety of skills, including: measuring, sawing and gluing. Making sure the cams were in the right place, to ensure it worked, was particularly challenging. However, we did an excellent job and created toys that worked! Here are our final products...

Our PGL Residential June 2023
We had an amazing time at PGL this year! The children were brilliant, not only representing our school so excellently, but by facing and overcoming so many fears. You will see that they all took part in many challenges - many with confidence and most importantly enjoyment. We have chosen a selection to show you as we had taken hundreds of photos - if you make it to the end of the slide show, you will see the final effect the week had on them all! We all really enjoyed the experience and we hope you enjoy the pictures.
Our End of Year Production - Not so Wizard of Oz!
Year 6 were amazing in their end of year production yesterday - hope you enjoy this little reminder of the show! Thanks to year 5 and their fantastic singing too.