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St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Love

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Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 Class Page!


Here you will find lots of information about Year 5 and what we are busy doing in the classroom.


Important information about Year 5.

The teachers in our class are: Miss Sephton and Mrs Cresswell 


Contact information:


Our P.E. day is Wednesday, so could your child please come into school in their PE kit that day; having removed any jewellery.

Swimming takes place on Friday so please bring your swimming kit. 


Music lessons - If your child is learning an instrument can you please ensure they bring it in on the day of their lesson (Tuesday = violin and Thursday = brass and woodwind).  Thanks.


Homework is set on Seesaw each Friday. Your child will also have Abacus, Bug Club and TT Rockstars online homework. 


Remember to read at home and bring in your reading book every day.



Our Timetable



Our Topics



Our topic this term is the Anglo Saxons. Here are some of the things we will be learning about:

  • What time period came before and after in order to gain an understanding of chronology
  • Where they invaded from and why they invaded 
  • Why the Anglo-Saxons didn't settle in the settlements the Romans left behind 
  • What artefacts left behind tell us about life during this time
  • How England was divided and ruled
  • What religion was like and how it changed over time
  • Analyse a range of sources to deduce information about this time period




Our topic this term is World War 2. We will be learning about:

  • Events leading up to WW2
  • How WW2 began 
  • Why Germany wanted war
  • How Britain fought back 
  • How Churchill came to power and why he was popular




Our topic this term is Ancient Greece. We will be learning about:

  • The influence of Ancient Greeks on modern political systems 
  • Famous Greek thinkers
  • Democracy and how the Ancient Greeks introduced it 
  • Greek architecture 

Special Events 

Art week 15.5.26

During this week we had lots of fun learning about different clay techniques. We used inspiration from Ancient Greek relief tiles to then create our own. We chose a God or Goddess from Ancient Greece, and thought about how we could represent them on a clay relief tile. We made some lovely tiles and are very proud with what we have produced! 

Art Week 6.2.23


This week we took inspiration from Claude Monet to create a 'Parliament Building' inspired painting. We developed Impressionist style techniques to create a 'broken colour' effect. 


Carding Mill Valley Trip - 1.11.22

We had lots of fun on our geography trip to Carding Mill Valley this week. We enjoyed river dipping and conducting a range of studies in the river as well as catching invertebrates to sketch (which was very difficult when they tried escaping from the petri dish!) We then had the chance to explore the valley and go on a guided walk finding out facts along the way. 

D&T Week 


This week we have learnt lots of sewing skills. We started of by gaining inspiration by looking at a selection of drawstring bags before designing and planning our own. We practised a range of sewing skills first and then chose our materials to create our very own drawstring bag!





Art week

We have enjoyed drawing, sketching and printing in art this week. We had lots of fun getting creative and experimenting and testing different mediums such as charcoal, oil pastels, soft pastels, chalk, and different grades of sketching pencils. We then created a textured print using a range of different materials to create a textured background for our futuristic sketches. 


Severn Trent Water Workshop 20.10.22


We have a visitor from Severn Trent in Year 5 this week. They told us lots of interesting facts about water and how water is wasted. We then took part in an activity which taught us about how important it is to save water. 


