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St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Love

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Class Information

Miss Lewis and Miss Carter are your child's teachers. Mrs Smith provides cover on Tuesdays and on Wednesday mornings. 

If you would like to make contact with us via email you can use the following address; or you are welcome to phone the school office to request a call back.


Our Timetable 

This is our timetable




Spring 2

This term our topic has been 'Let's Get Moving!'  We have learnt about the importance of exercise for our health. We have been for lots of walks and runs around the track on our playground and we have read lots of texts which inspire movement such as 'We're going on a bear hunt', 'Inside outside upside down', 'From Head to Toe' and 'Move!'

We ended the term with Easter celebrations and a lovely, colourful bonnet parade. 


Pictures of our Bear Hunt adventure;





We read 'From Head to Toe' by Eric Carle and we explored all the different ways we could move our own bodies by following along a yoga version of the story.



We shared a great book called 'Move!'.  We had to do lots of actions along with the story. We ended the week by making our own page to add to the book.


We explored positional language and movement together as we read a book called 'Inside Outside Upside Down.'  We used our bodies to move in a wide range of ways and talked about what we did. 




Pictures from our Easter craft session and bonnet parade;


Thank you all for the wonderful effort you put into helping make our bonnet parade really special for the children.


Spring 1

This half term we are learning all about People Who Help Us. We will be visited by a number of community members (including two past pupils who now work as a policeman and a hairdresser!) 

We will be finding out about the jobs of people who help us in school and the tools they use. In the last week of this half term we will be finding out about how some people celebrate the Lunar New Year and what this means to people from various cultures. 


Weeks 1&2

We have been learning all about people who help us at school.  We went to visit Mrs Duff and Mrs Vale and they talked to us about their jobs and the equipment they use to help them.  We have taken home a book all about these helpful people to read together with our families and we are learning to identify the parts of a book (title, blurb, front cover, back, spine). 



Mrs Vale showed us how she uses the photocopier to print letters for our parents and Mrs Duff showed us how she uses the gritter to keep the playground safe. 


Week 3

This week we had a visit from two past students who now have important jobs in the community.  One is now a hairdresser and one is a police officer. We learnt about their jobs and about the tools they use to help them. 






Week 4

We had a visit from Dr Yeo this week and we also learnt about the importance of caring for our teeth.






Week 5

This week we have been learning about how people in different countries celebrate the Lunar New Year. China is a county that celebrates the Lunar New so we learnt a bit about celebrations in China. 



We performed a dragon dance.              We wrapped oranges to give as gifts 

Autumn 2

We look forward to welcoming all children back to school on November 6th and to hearing how they spent their first half-term break.


This next half term is always an exciting one - please see a breakdown of what we will cover over the weeks ahead.  


Week 1 - sparkle and light (children will have seen bonfires and fireworks so there will be some conversation about their own experiences)  We will make firework pictures, use torches and glo sticks and make rockets.  We will also be learning about a child and their family who celebrate Diwali.  We'll make a diva light and decorate it and will make some sweets (icing sugar, milk, coconut).

On the Friday of week 1 we will discuss Remembrance day.  The children will be invited to make a poppy for our class wreath and there will be a moment of silence.  We will simply explain this as a time to remember good people who did good things.



firework mark making              A Rangoli pattern                         Beautiful!



Making Divas                                                                     Mehndi Patterns


Weeks 2, 3 and 4  - Autumn theme.  We're going on a leaf hunt and Leaf man activities. Noticing the changes in the seasons. Planting bulbs ready for spring. 

Winter Festival 22.11.23 - (3:30pm-4:30pm) children in Nursery will make snowmen decorations, jumping gingerbread men and snowflakes. We hope you will join us. 



                           Planting bulbs to care for




                         Making memories together at our Winter Festival 



Weeks 5 and 6 - There will be lots of preparation for our show.  Morning children will be learning winter songs and creating winter props.  Afternoon children will be preparing their Nativity story to share.

We will be sharing books about Jack Frost, snow and seasons as well as learning the Nativity Story through our RE lessons. 

Friday 15th December - Eddie the Elf will be visiting school for the morning. All Nursery children are invited to attend this special experience and afternoon children can attend the morning session instead of the afternoon if they wish.  Nursery will be open in the afternoon and any afternoon children not attending the morning activities are welcome to still attend their afternoon session as normal. 


                                A visit from Evie the Elf!  We sang and took part in a 

                               drama session all around the theme of The Night Before Christmas 


Week 7 - This week will be a festive 4 day week in school.

Crib service in school with Father David – 18/12/23 (further details to follow.  Families are invited)

Nursery Show - 20/12/23 - Morning Nursery will be performing a 'Winter Wonderland' and Afternoon Nursery will be performing a Nativity show.  Full time children will be a part of both. 

Carols around the tree - 21/12/23

Class Christmas parties - 21/12/23



     Our Amazing Nativity Performers                                 Christmas Jumper Day



Father David came for our Crib service. We all took part by holding characters from the Christmas story.  Thank you to those families who were able to join us. 


Welcome to all of our new families.  We have had a fantastic start to the year with 2 busy days of home visits before the children settled for their first few days at Nursery.  Thank you so much for allowing us into your homes and for displaying your red balloons at the front of your houses so we could find you.  We are so excited to have you all as part of our St Mary Magdalene Family and we look forward to working with you this year. 

Take a look at these photos from our home visit days… 




Reading Ralph and Book Betty 


Our class friends ‘Reading Ralph’ and ‘Book Betty’ will be coming home with your child over the next few weeks.  They will arrive in a book bag with a very special book.  Each child is invited to share a Nursery rhyme with the special friend and to complete their page in the book.  We have chosen to do this as a way of bridging the gap between home and school and also in recognition of the importance of reading with your child. Your child will also bring home a weekly reading book to share with you.  



PE for Nursery will start after the October half term.  Morning children will have PE on a Monday and Afternoon children will have PE on a Thursday.  Full time children will attend both sessions so will need to wear PE uniform on both Monday and Thursday.  We go outside daily whatever the weather.  As it gets colder your child will need a warm coat and hat.  Please name these. We would also like to remind you that children must not wear jewelery. This will ensure they remain safe as they jump, climb, ride, run and explore.  


Your child will have a weekly reading book and will also have homework which is set on our online platform, SeeSaw. We try to use homework as an opportunity for your child to share their learning with you and to practice new skills in a different way.  We look forward to your responses on SeeSaw each week and often share these with the children in class as we celebrate their efforts. 

Autumn 1

This term our topic is 'My Nursery'.  Through this topic we will be learning about our routines, our resources, our classmates and ourselves.

In maths we will be working with numbers to 5.  We will practice recognising the amounts 1,2 and 3 automatically by showing that many fingers or recognising that many objects. We will be enjoying lots of number songs and rhymes together. 

We will have a daily communication session where we will practice our listening and attention skills ready for phonics later this term.  

We will add photos to this page soon to show some of our learning in action!

