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St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Love

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Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page!


Here you will find lots of information about Year 3 and what we are busy doing in the classroom.


Who will be your teachers this year? 

The teachers in our class are: Miss Gormley and Miss Poole



Contact Information- 


If you have any issues or questions, please email us on .




Our PE sessions are on a Monday and Friday, you need to come to school in your PE kit. PE kits include a white top, black/blue shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings, and black pumps. Earrings are not to be worn on PE days. 

After May half term, we will go swimming at Wednesbury Leisure Centre on a Wednesday. 


Homework and reading books- 


Homework is now set on Seesaw, all home learning passwords and usernames can be found stuck into your child's reading record. 

Reading books need to be returned weekly ready to be changed.


Our timetable- 



What topics do we cover in Year 3? 


What have we been up to in Year 3?


WB 04/09/2023- 



This week, we spent time investigating similarities and differences between atlases and globes. We got the inflatable globes out and had lots of fun trying to spot various different places!




WB 11/09/23-


English (Tuesday)- 

This week, we have been investigating the different types of word classes. After completing a quiz yesterday, we spent some time spotting word classes within a piece of writing. 





We have spent time discussing different ways of sorting rocks. First, we created venn diagrams in our books using various categories. We then used the rock collection to sort the rocks into real life categories.




Stone Age Stunning Start-

On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to have a whole day full of Stone Age activities delivered by the Wonderful Becky! The children learned lots of new facts which will support them throughout their History topic in the Autumn term. We even learned a Stone Age rap with actions. A brilliant day was had by all.






English (Thursday)- 

Today, we spent time improving sentences by adding adjectives, prepositions and adverbs! The children had great ideas!


                  Our 'boring' sentence:                                                        Our super sentence: 



WB 19/09/23- 



We spent time exploring streets, towns, counties, countries and continents that are found North, East, South and West from our school address.





On Friday, we had the opportunity to take part in Skip2befit. We had to skip for 2 minutes as a practice, this score was our personal best. We then skipped for another 2 minutes and we had to try to beat our personal best scores. There was a competition to see who could skip the most times in 2 minutes. All of the class did amazingly and were determined to beat their personal bests. 


Our class winner was Jenson with an amazing 187 skips! Well done!




WB 25/09/23- 



Today, we conducted an experiment to test the permeability of various rocks. We ensured we were conducting a fair test by using the same amount of water on each rock and we left them for the same amount of time. 




WB 02/10/23-



We spent time in RHE discussing teamwork and how our actions can affect others. We took part in an activity which involved sitting back to back, holding hands with another classmate and trying to stand up. It required great communication skills. 




Severn Trent workshop- 

Andy came and provided us with a very special workshop. We learned all about the sewage system and how it is filtered and cleaned. We got into groups of 6 and had a competition to see who could filter the sewage the best and create the clearest water. 

Well done to Ben, Lyla, Grace, Jeevan, Sophia and Jonah for winning the competition!






WB 09/10/23- 


Hello Yellow- 

Today, we spent some time reflecting on how we can look after ourselves and how to support others who may be struggling with their emotions. We created posters to display around the classroom to remind us of these helpful tricks to make us feel good!




Our class also came together outside of school to do some fundraising. They collected together old clothes, shoes and toys and sold them. They then donated this money to the Hello Yellow charity. Well done to all involved, we are very proud of you!



WB 23/10/2023- 


School Council

This week, we have been voting for our school council members. We had a whopping 23 students who wanted to be our councillors, well done to everyone who stood up and told the class why they wanted the role. 


After an initial vote, our final 3 boys and 3 girls were: Dhara, Abhijot, Jenson, Megan, Harlan and Makemba. 


We then had our final vote and the winners were... Jenson and Megan!



WB 06/11/2023- 



In history, we have been looking at the Amesbury Archer and looking at how we can tell he was an important person. We did this by exploring the artefacts he was buried with and creating posters to display our knowledge. 





This term, we are developing our understanding of digital devices. This week, we have been looking at inputs, processes and outputs and linking them to digital devices. We all had fun creating our own inputs, processes and outputs. 





In PE, we have started gymnastics this week. We all got involved and were practicing pike and straddle sits (making sure we were pointing our toes!)




Healthy Eating- 

This week, we had a visit from the school nurse. He told us all about healthy eating and how we can ensure we are eating food from each food group. We also found out how much exercise we should be getting each day, some of the children were very shocked! We then got the chance to put food into the correct bins based on the food groups. 




WB 13/11/2023- 


Pudsey visited us!

On Tuesday, we were lucky enough to get a visit from Pudsey. We know he is very busy at this time of year in the lead up to Children in Need on Friday. Thank you Pudsey for coming, we loved it!




Diwali celebrations- 

On Wednesday afternoon, we celebrated the festival of Diwali ! We invited the children to come to school in their colourful or traditional clothing. We spent time creating and decorating paper lanterns as a sign of light over dark. We have displayed these in our classroom window!








As a continuation of our Diwali celebrations, we took part in some Diwali dancing in PE on Friday. 



Diwali Dance

Still image for this video

Children in Need- 

On Friday, we spent some time discussing Children in Need and why we celebrate. We then spent some time joining in with the Children in Need dance before completing some colouring activities and wordsearches. We had a lovely day!


Children in Need Dance

Still image for this video

WB 27/11/2023- 


Ukulele concert- 

On Thursday, we were able to showcase all of the ukulele skills we have learnt since September to KS2. We performed a mix of Christmas songs and other funny tunes that we love. 


Attendance reward afternoon- 

On Friday, we had our reward afternoon. We received this as we won the highest attendance in the school 3 times. We celebrated our success with an afternoon of films and popcorn! We had a lovely afternoon watching The Grinch and eating our popcorn. Now to start collection our certificates again!






WB 08/01/2024- 



This week, we started a new topic in Science- Light! We investigated different light sources and sorted them into artificial and natural light sources. We then used the torches to investigate the absence of light and the creation of shadows. 




