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St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Love

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Spring Term

Welcome to Spring Term! 
This term our topic is about West Bromwich looking at the history and the land use and moving onto Farming. We are looking at tradition tales in English and are covering a range of subjects in Maths including Place Value up to 50, Shapes and Addition and Subtraction. 

Week Beginning 8th January 


This week we have been exploring shapes in maths. We have been focusing on our basic skills. We have also enjoyed getting the instruments out in Music! 

Week Beginning 16th January  


This week we have looked at prefixes and suffixes in English adding un to the beginning of words or ing and ed to the end of words. We have been exploring our history of West Bromwich. The children were amazing at coding in ICT this week too! 

Week beginning 5th February 


This week we enjoyed fruit printing in Art week. 

Week beginning 26th February 2024 

In Science, we looked at drawing around our bodies and labelling our body parts. We talked about the functions of our body parts and why muscles and bones are important. 

World Book Day March 2024

Our trip to Oak house- 7th March

Week beginning 11th April 

This week we have been making our own gurdwaras to finish off our Sikh topic. We talked about the significance of a Gurdwara. 

