Welcome to the Reception Class Page!
Here you will find lots of information about Reception and what we are busy doing in the classroom.
Important information about Reception
The teachers in our class are: Miss Sedgwick and Mrs Edwards
Contact information:
Our PE sessions are on Monday and Tuesday. You need to come to school in your PE kit.
Have a look at our lovely classroom

Our Timetable
Our Topics
This is our first term in Reception so we have been settling into Reception and making lots of new friends. We have talked about what we do in Reception, our class rules and our families. We have been busy learning some of our new sounds and showing each other our fabulous number skills.
Special Events
Harvest Festival
Take a look at our amazing Harvest song - Dingle Dangle scarecrow
Harvest video

Librarian visit - Friday 7th October
Today we had a special visit from our Librarian Mrs Rodney. She read us lots of lovely books and talked all about the Library and what we can do there.
Voting for School council - Friday 7th October
Today we have started to learn all about nominating and voting for our school council. We chose our candidates and we added our ballets to the ballet box.

25th November
Today we have walked to the post box to post our letters to Father Christmas. We thought about what we wanted and then we wrote our letters using the sounds we know.
Tuesday 6th December
Today we had first aid training in Reception. We learned all about how to call for help and we got to practice putting bandages on each other.
Christmas party day Friday 16th December
Today we have had a great time playing games, singing carols and having a special visitor bring us a present.
Wednesday 1st March - Animal Man
Today we were very excited to have a visit from the animal man. All of the children got the opportunity to learn about some amazing animals including:
- Tortoise
- Rabbit
- Chinchilla
- Snake
- Tarantula
- Bearded Dragon
- Guinea pigs
Have a look at our pictures to see how brave we were.
World Book Day - Thursday 2nd March 2023
Today we got to come dressed up as our favourite book characters! Look at all of our amazing costumes.
Red Nose Day - Friday 17th March
Today we have celebrated Red Nose Day. We have all come in our red clothes and we have talked about what charity means. We talked lots about how we can help charities at school. Don't we look great in our red clothes.

King's Coronation - Friday 5th May
Today we celebrated the Coronation of our new King and Queen. We got all dressed up in red, white and blue and then we paraded around the playground with our flags and bunting that we made in class. We also got to crown our very own King and Queen. At the end of our parade, the whole school came out and we sang 'God save the King.'


Tuesday 20th June - Library visit
Today we went on our first walk outside of school. We went to the Library! It was a bit wet on our walk there, but we still had a great time. We got to listen to stories, completed craft activities and even got to dress up!
Friday 30th June - Twycross Zoo!
Today we went on our trip to Twycross Zoo! We had a fantastic time! We started by travelling on a big coach. Then we got to go on the Gruffalo trail and after that we got to see lots of different animals.