Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
Supporting you in class this year will be Miss Sephton and Mrs Palmer
This will be sent out half termly which you will hand in on the last week of each half term. Please remember to also complete your Bug Club reading books and Times Table Rockstars. Your logins are in the front of your homework books.
Spellings will be tested on a Friday.
Contact details:
If you need to contact us please email
Scroll down to see what we have been doing!
Our topic this term is the Anglo Saxons. Here are some of the things we will be learning about:
- Where they invaded from and why they invaded
- What artefacts left behind tell us about life during this time
- How England was divided and ruled
Our topic this term is World War 2. We will be learning about:
- Events leading up to WW2
- How WW2 began
- Why Germany wanted war
- How Britain fought back
- How Churchill came to power and why he was popular
Our topic this term is Ancient Greece. We will be learning about:
- The influence of Ancient Greeks on modern political systems
- Famous Greek thinkers
- Democracy and how the Ancient Greeks introduced it
- Greek architecture
See what we have been up to:
Problem Solving Friday
Air raid shelters
One of Year 5's homework choices was to create an air raid shelter. Have a look to see what some children created. They are amazing!

Friday 21st January: Forces and Magnets Science Workshop
This afternoon, we were able to take part in lots of exciting and fun drama activities related to our science topic. We had lots of fun learning about gravity, friction, air resistance and water resistance.
Tuesday 18th January: Maths Problem Solving Day!
Today, we enjoyed our problem solving workshop. We got to do lots of hands on, practical maths. We worked in teams to try and solve the maths problems and some of them were very challenging!
Week beginning: 10.1.22
In science we learnt about Newton and Galileo's theories and ideas relating to gravity. We then went outside and used PE equipment to test some of their ideas out. We wrote in chalk how our activities related to gravity.
We found out that if you drop three different balls at the same time, they will hit the ground at the same time too!

Week beginning: 6.12.21
This week, we were able to make our very own pies. We have been working very hard over the last half term deciding which ingredients we wanted to include in our pie as well as designing our pies. We did some taste testing before choosing so that we could choose the perfect ingredients. Here some of us are with our pies!

Week beginning: 29.11.21
In ICT this week we looked at whether or not we can trust the information we read on websites. We researched information about Christopher Columbus using two different websites. We found lots of mistakes or false information on both of the websites! We were very shocked! We then discussed how we can make sure we can trust the websites we use.
We came up with:
- Using a website we know
- Checking the URL
- Check facts on another website
- Read the 'about us' to find out who wrote the website
- Use common sense to check if it is sensible
Week beginning: 8.11.21
This week we we were able to learn the Three Note Bossa that we have been listening to in music. We were able to play the three notes on the glockenspiels and it sounded very good!
Week beginning: 1.11.21
This week we have enjoyed completing our artwork. We used lino to carve a shape which we could then print. We learnt all about tessellations and decided which shape we wanted to carve into the lino. We then used our chosen shape to print to make a repeated pattern. Have a look at our final pieces, we are very proud of them!
Week Beginning: 20.09.21
This week we have been very busy. We have found out lots of information about the Anglo Saxons including where they came from and why as well as what society was like during this time. We have been learning all about numbers to 1 million in maths and have been focussing on rounding and identifying numbers accurately. On Thursday afternoon, we took part in a litter pick so help out our community. We found a lot of litter and have also been discussing why it is important not to litter.
Our Litter Pick!
Week beginning 6.09.21
This week we have been settling back into school and began to look at our new topic - The Anglo Saxons. To start this off we enjoyed our Stunning Start workshop where we learnt all about who the Anglo Saxons were, where they came from and how they lived. We took part in lots of drama activities and can't wait to find out more in our IL lessons.