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St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Love

Get in touch


Welcome to the Reception Class Page!


Here you will find lots of information about Reception and what we are busy doing in the classroom.


Important information about Reception

The teachers in our class are: Miss Sedgwick and Mrs Edwards 


Contact information:

Our PE sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday. You need to come to school in your PE kit.


Click on the link at the bottom of the page to see pictures of learning in Reception and information on the special events we have taken part in. 

Have a look at our lovely classroom

Our time table

Our Topics


This is our first term in Reception so we have been settling into Reception and making lots of new friends. We have talked about what we do in Reception, our class rules and our families. We have been busy learning some of our new sounds and showing each other our fabulous number skills. In Autumn 1 we will be focusing on ourselves and our families. In Autumn 2 we will be exploring different celebrations and why we celebrate. Have a look at our curriculum overview for more information. 



In our spring term we have been looking at traditional tales. We talked all about the different stories we know and what happened to the characters.We have even been building the three little pigs homes and testing out which would be the strongest. We used the tape measures to find out if we were as tall as the beanstalk! 

We have also been looking at people who help us. We know that there are lots of people who help us in our community. We have been looking at the job they do and if we would like to do this job when we are grown. We could be Fire fighters, Police officers or Doctors! 



In our Summer term we are learning all about space! We are going to be exploring our universe and looking at the different planets in our solar system. We will also be looking at different books all about space including:

  • How to catch a star.
  • The Man on the Moon.
  • Whatever next. 

