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St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Love

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Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 Class Page!


Important Information


Our Year 5 Team is Mrs Tooth (Mon and Tues), Miss Rowe (Wed, Thurs, Fri) and Mrs Cresswell (All week). 


Contact information - 


Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Wednesday so could your child please come into school in their PE kit that day; having removed any jewellery.


Music lessons - All children in Year 5 will be learning Ukulele. If your child is learning a brass instrument can you please ensure they bring it in on the day of their lesson which is Thursday.  Thanks.



Seesaw - Each week your child will be set a task on Seesaw for them to complete.

Online Learning - Each week your child is expected to complete an Abacus task, Bug Club comprehension (both on Active Learn) and a spelling task on Ed Shed. It is also important that they keep on practising their times tables on Times Tables Rock Star!

Reading - Reading books should be read regularly and brought into school every day.


Our Topics:

Our historical topics this year include:

* Autumn - The Anglo Saxons

* Spring - World War Two

* Summer - The Ancient Greeks

Our Timetable

Special Events

Art Week October 2024 (Including our visit to Walsall Art gallery)

On Wednesday we had a brilliant trip to Walsall Art gallery.  We spent some time exploring the different forms of art and used this as inspiration for our own art work.  We also had a couple of talks describing the different mediums used to create the art works around us.  After this, we took part in a workshop with an artist who showed us techniques we could use in our sculptures; we then made some portraits out of clay.

On Thursday and Friday, we used some of the ideas we had seen and techniques we had been taught to design, plan and make a relief tile featuring an Anglo-Saxon god / goddess of our choice.  Here are some of our final pieces...

Kindness Week October 2024

As a school we celebrated Kindness week by carrying out various Acts of Kindness.  In year 5, we selected 5 acts of kindness we were going to do try to more of at school and at home.  For homework, a number of us then designed posters to promote being kind...

Severn Trent Water workshop 2024

After the whole school assembly, year 5 were able to take part in a very interesting workshop.  The class was split into groups, which each represented a family.  Their task was to measure out the water their family used, to discover which family were water wasters and which ones were savers.  Once we identified this, we discussed what actions different families took to save water.  We had a lot of fun, but at the same time learnt some important lessons on how to save water.

Diwali celebrations November 2024

In year 5, we had a great time celebrating Diwali.  Firstly, we learnt from those who celebrate Diwali - how and why they do.  We then completed different craft activities, such as: designing Rangoli patterns; Mehndi  and making diva lamps. We also dressed in colourful party clothes and traditional dress to celebrate together.

We had great fun designing and making our drawstring bags.  First of all, we had to learn how to use different stitches.  We then designed our bags, including any extra details we wanted to add.  Once we had planned how to make our bag, we were able to make them.  With a lot of concentration and team work we made some very successful bags, some of us even added some extra designs.  We were very pleased with what we had made,..

Chinese New Year January 2025

We had a lot of fun finding out about Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated.  We completed some craft activities and created our own Chinese Lion Dances, once we had learnt the different stages

