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St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Love

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Welcome to the P.E. curriculum in our school. We teach P.E. for 2 hours a week to every class but we do encourage daily physical activity from all our children through the clubs we offer. The Government suggest that children should be physically active for 60 minutes a day! There are lots of ways to stay active without realising it:

  • Walk/run/cycle/scoot to and from school.
  • Extra-curricular clubs or classes for sports.
  • Housework.
  • Playing in the garden.
  • Leave the car at home.

Here at St Mary Magdalene, we value the physical side of the curriculum and encourage active learning throughout the school day. Ensure that your child takes part in all that is offered here at school to keep them fit and active.

How we teach PE


PE is timetabled and is taught for two hours per week by the class teacher, or HLTA in charge of the class. We use the hall for indoor PE, such as gymnastics and dance. The playground is used for games and athletics. Children in Years 3 and 4 will also go swimming every week during the Summer Term at West Bromwich Leisure Centre. Taking part in PE lessons is statutory.


We also encourage children to be physically active outside the PE lesson, by attending a range of sports clubs on offer (see Sports Premium link below), by using the playground equipment at lunchtimes. Cybercoach  is also used during wet play times. This is an online bank of short, fun physical activities which can be completed in a restricted space at any time.


Children in EYFS develop their physical skills through a range of activities, including lessons in the hall and on the playground, however, some activities may not look like a traditional PE lesson.

*Kit List Request – If you really struggle to get P.E. kit for your child, download this form and send it into the office and kit will be provided for them. Alternatively, speak to one of our office staff to get a copy of this letter.

