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St Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Love

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School Assessment System

As the children enter Year 1 we give the children a ‘baseline’  based on the end of Reception ‘score’, this is so they can begin to be assessed using our school system.


How the System Works:


We use a point system in order to assess and track the children. The system has been designed carefully to ensure that children are taught with the depth and mastery of skills that the New Curriculum requires.


The points are made up of two numbers eg 2.6. The first number relates to the Year group objectives that the child is learning from (1-6). It usually matches the year group that they are currently in, but may be from the year below or above in some circumstances.


The second number relates to how well the child is coping with the work that is being taught. There are 6 levels to this and they work as follows:


1. needs support to manage the objectives and there is some evidence of this.


2. needs support to manage the objectives, there is widespread evidence of this.


3. is independent when working on the objectives, there is some evidence of this.


4. is independent when working on the objectives, there is widespread evidence.


5. has mastery of the objectives and they are being used in other contexts, some evidence of this.


6. has mastery of the objectives and they are being used in other contexts, widespread evidence.


So a child with a score of 2.6 would be working from Year 2 learning objectives and have a depth of understanding that they can apply in many different situations, demonstrating mastery of skill.


Each term the class teachers assess the children using  the point system. Depending on the time of the year each ‘score’ tells us how well the child is doing. We use the following terms to describe this:


Emerging – this is well below the level expected at this point in the year


Developing – this is working towards the level expected at this point in the year


Secure – this is working at the level expected at this point in the year


Exceeding – this is working above the level expected for this point in the year


Exceeding plus – this is working well above the level expected for this point in the year


At the beginning of each year we set challenging targets for the children to ensure that they fulfill their potential, these are reviewed at the end of each term. If a child is not making enough progress, interventions are swiftly put into place to ensure that they meet their targets.


The following grids demonstrate how the system works at each term.

